Welcome to NR Schools
NR Schools are the next generation schools where the entire education is done using internet technologies. NR Schools promote a transformational approach to achieving prosperity for all citizens of Pakistan. A very high literacy rate is foundational to this approach. With proliferation of computer technology, it is possible to overcome obstacles of remoteness, lack of qualified people, and lack of excellence to provide access to education for all children. NR Schools are the next generation schools where the entire education is done using internet technologies. Every student has a computer and is taught English to learn.
Need and Merit Based Scholarship Facility
NRS aims at developing the human resource to contribute positively towards society. Need based and Merit- based awards are granted to bright participants who are best able to achieve that aim.
Interactive Learning Using Technology
We have digital artists who can model ordinary lesson to interactive digital content. A child can learn an interactive lesson quickly through games and videos without losing his/her interest.
Connecting Students To The World
Shama makes students able to connect to and learn from the world resources by grade 8. So that students aren’t limited to a particular system and curriculum. They are free to learn and experience what the world has to offer them.
Model Schools
We currently have opened two school campuses.
Lahore Campus
Phone: 04237492577
Mobile: 0300-0258423
Mobile: 0300-0258423
H # 46, St # 2, Ittefaq Town Ext Block, Mansoorah Bazaar,Lahore.
Multan Campus
Phone: 061-6303582
Mobile: 0300-0258423
Mobile: 0300-0258423
NR School, St. # 1, Mustafa Road Mukhtar Town Multan.
Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Independence Day